Academic Background
2009 B.Sc. in Mathematics (Tsinghua University)
2014 M.S.E. in Computer Science (the Johns Hopkins University)
2014 Ph.D. in Biostatistics (the Johns Hopkins University)
Research Interest
Selected Publications
In the author list, bold indicates lab members; * represents equal contribution; and # stands for the corresponding author.
- Song Fangda, Chu Jing, Ma Shuangge, and Wei Yingying# (2024) Survival Mixed Membership Blockmodel, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 119 (546), 1647-1656.
- Song Fangda, Chan Ga Ming Angus, and Wei Yingying# (2020) Flexible Experimental Designs for Valid Single-cell RNA-sequencing Experiments Allowing Batch Effects Correction, Nature Communications, 11:3274. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package BUSseq] [C++ code for parallel CPU computing] [CUDA C code for parallel GPU computing]
Fangda won the 2019 American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics Distinguished Student Paper Award with this paper.
- Luo Xiangyu and Wei Yingying# (2019) Batch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114 (526) 581-594. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package BUScorrect]
This paper was awarded the 2019 W. J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing from the American Statistical Association.
- Luo Xiangyu, Yang Can#, and Wei Yingying# (2019) Detection of Cell-type-specific Risk-CpG sites in Epigenome-wide Association Studies, Nature Communications, 10:3113. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package HIREewas]
- Dai Zhenwei, Wong Sunny H, Yu Jun, and Wei Yingying# (2019) Batch Effects Correction for Microbiome Data with Dirichlet-multinomial Regression, Bioinformatics, 35 (5): 807-814. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package BDMMAcorrect]
- Luo Xiangyu, Wei Yingying# (2018) Nonparametric Bayesian Learning of Heterogeneous Dynamic Transcription Factor Networks, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12 (3), 1749-1772. [Paper] [Parallel C code]
Xiangyu won the 2016 American Statistical Association Biometrics Section Travel Award with this paper.
- Wei Yingying# and Wu Hao# (2016) Measuring the Spatial Correlations of Protein Binding Sites, Bioinformatics, 32 (12): 1766-1772. [Paper] [R package]
- Wei Yingying, Tenzen Toyoaki, and Ji Hongkai# (2015) Joint Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in Multiple Studies using Correlation Motifs, Biostatistics, 16 (1) 31-46. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package Cormotif]
- Wei Yingying*, Li Xia*, Wang Qianfei, and Ji Hongkai# (2012) iASeq: Integrative Analysis of Allele-specificity of Protein-DNA Interactions in Multiple ChIP-seq Datasets, BMC Genomics, 13:681. Highly accessed. [Paper] [Bioconductor R package iASeq]
I feel blessed to be able to work with my very talented students.
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Young Reseacher Award , by the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2019 The W. J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing, by the American Statistical Associations
- 2017 Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award, by Faculty of Science of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2013 The Margaret Merrell Award, by the Johns Hopkins University
- 2013 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award, by the International Biometric Society
- 2012 The June B. Culley Award, by the Johns Hopkins University
- 2009 Excellent Graduate of Tsinghua University
- 2008 Meritorious Award for the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), by MAA, INFORMS, SIAM and ASA
- 2006, 2007, 2008 Outstanding Academic Performance Scholarship, by Tsinghua University
- 2006 National Scholarship, by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
Major Research Grants
- RGC-GRF 14304521 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2022-2024, Principal Investigator
Title: Statistical Methods for Multi-Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Studies
- RGC-GRF 14306020 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2021-2022, Principal Investigator
Title: Fine-Scale Inference for Aggregate-Level DNA Methylation Data
- RGC-GRF 14305319 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2020-2022, Principal Investigator
Title: Statistical Methods for Estimating a Set of Phylogenetic Trees
- RGC-GRF 14305318 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2019-2020, Principal Investigator
Title: Bayesian Methods for Time-to-event Data on a Social Network
- RGC-GRF 14306417 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2018-2019, Principal Investigator
Title: Bayesian Graph-valued Regression
- RGC-GRF 24301416 awarded by the Research Grants Council, 2017-2018, Principal Investigator
Title: Statistical Modeling for Heterogeneous Dynamic Transcription Factor Networks
Professional Activities
- Secretary The American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics, 2019-2023
- Associate Editor Special Issue of Statistics in Biosciences, 2019-present
- Guest Editor Special Issue of Statistics in Biosciences, 2019-2023
- Associate Editor Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2019-2022
- Membership American Statistical Association, International Chinese Statistical Association